On this page you will find links to the issues that are important to us. This information is available to equip you to become a better steward of God’s creation. Our hope is that every visitor to Leviathan Project becomes passionate about an issue on this page. Remember that even the smallest action can make a big difference.
We suggest starting with WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS so you can first understand what the Word of God tells us about caring for animals.
The following quote is by Christian author C.S. Lewis, a passionate advocate for animals in his time:
“It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.”
Let’s learn, grow, and take action to protect God’s creation!
Animals for Clothing – God clothed Adam and Eve in animal skins. This gives us the right to kill animals for their fur and skin, right? Find out how using animals for clothing cannot be morally justified.

Animal Experimentation – Humans have greatly benefited from animal testing. Is all animal testing necessary? Find out more about irresponsible and irrelevant animal experimentation.
Marine Mammal Captivity – What could possibly be wrong The Shamu Show? Isn’t it a great way to appreciate God’s creation? Discover the dark side of sea parks and aquariums.
Pets – Pets are meaningful additions to our families. What can I do to be a responsible pet owner?
Zoos – Visiting the zoo is a tradition for many people, but how does God feel about keeping His creation behind bars? Find out more about the ethics of zoos.
Animals for Food - God gave us permission to eat animals after the great flood but He also charged us with the care of His creation. How does factory farming factor into the ethics of what we eat?