If you don’t want to accept that we pay too little for animal products, or if you can’t afford to eat humanely; considering cutting down on your meat consumption.
Consuming too much meat can cause obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Eating less meat will also save countless animals and reduce your carbon footprint.
When you eat, consider letting meat play a supporting role instead of being the star of the show.
Many rural populations in Asian countries eat mainly rice and vegetables. Only a small piece of meat is used to accent the dish and add flavor. These populations have some of the highest life expectancies in the world.
Stews, soups, noodles, and pastas are all great dishes where meat doesn’t have to be the main attraction. Loading up on more whole grains and vegetables costs less and is great for your health.
Leviathan Project is a huge supporter of the Meatless Monday campaign.
Imagine if everyone in the United States did not eat meat on Mondays.
It would have an incredibly positive impact on people’s health, animals, and the environment!
Cooking vegetarian is also really fun. It opens up a whole new and exciting world of exploration and experimentation in your kitchen.
For more information on Meatless Monday and for great recipes visit:
Martha Stewart also has some easy and delicious meatless recipes worth trying:
Another simple way to make an impact is to waste less food.
40% of all of the food in the United States goes uneaten.
Americans are throwing out the equivalent of $165 billion each year; more than double the amount that Americans threw out in the 1970’s.
This is happening when one in six Americans does not have a secure supply of food.
It is also highly unethical to kill an animal for food if it ends up in the garbage can. As a country we need to focus on eating less and wasting less.
My goal on grocery shopping day is to have a completely empty fridge. If I throw away the same item more than two weeks in a row, it is no longer allowed in the house because no one is eating it.
When shopping, always stick to a list. Never impulse buy bulk items that will spoil before you can eat them. Be sure to never prepare too much food, and utilize your freezer to preserve leftovers before they spoil.
When eating out, never order more than you think you can eat. Start with a small order, because you can always add to your order later.
During the time I served tables at a sushi restaurant, the amount of uneaten food that got discarded was shocking.
According to the Food and Agricultural Organization, 50% of all the seafood in the country ends up in the garbage!
Please just spend the next week really looking at how much food you and your family are throwing away.
Making simple adjustments in your household will go a long way.

Please be sure to follow Leviathan Project on Twitter and Facebook for current information on this issue and up-to-date ways to get involved: